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Providing relief to the poor and needy in the areas of Drinking water, Sanitation, Rural infrastructure, Education, Nutrition, Healthcare and other charitable activities
This page accepts contributions from Indian Passport holders only
The Trust works purely on a voluntary basis and has been rendering services in the areas mentioned above. Love for God and love for humanity are the motivating factors for this Trust.
Tax exemption details
Sec 12A - Unique Registration Number - AALTS5059GE20212
Sec 80G - Unique Registration Number - AALTS5059GF20210
FCRA Registration Number - 368140112
CSR Registration Number - CSR00022220
Terms & Conditions
You agree to share information entered on this page with SRI SATHYA SAI SUJALA SRAVANTHI TRUST (owner of this page) and Razorpay, adhering to applicable laws.
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